"What pours from the soul and through to the paper defines
who you are and what you can become." xoxo, Mo

Thursday, August 25, 2011

At work..

So, I'm at work... upstairs in the office. It's super slow, but I just had to share with you how nervous and sad I'm becoming.

I applied for some jobs yesterday, and I'm not sure how long it takes to hear back, but I haven't heard anything yet. It makes me nervous and anxious... I don't know how to feel. I should be super excited, but for some reason, I'm not! Maybe that's just because I thought I would have heard from them today.

I just need to sit tight and say my prayers. Something WILL come! And it has to. Nick and I are SO ready to be out of this town. Yeah I'm going to miss the beach... but they have beaches there at the right time of year.

Up at 6am this morning to go with Nick so he could catch some of the early hurricane Irene waves. They weren't so great since we were a little late, but I did get a few good shots of him! I will miss laying on the beach in the warm sun getting a tan... but I'd rather have a wonderful job in my field... for my CAREER!!!

Alright, I'd better go. Please, pray for me.

xoxo, mo

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Resume

I actually really like it :)

Tons to finish today before work at five! Wish me luck!

xoxo, mo

Today! Today! Today is the big Day!!

Yes, yes it is. Everyone who gives a crap will be very excited to know that I am currently applying for jobs. SUPER RAD!! Which reminds me, I need to take a photo of the shirts I've made for B&D... that was kinda silly not putting them on there lol.

Off to do that real quick!

Ps, please be careful and don't forget to prepare in advance for this hurricane that's coming our way. You never know if it decides to move off track a little and head for land. Right now, one minute it's beautiful out and the next it's scary and dark... I'm a little excited for the weekend only because I grew up with terrible storms and I kinda miss that, but it's no laughing matter.

Alright... back to work.

xoxo, mo

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Taste

Plus, I gotta go, Nicks here to pick me up and a class is starting in here lol.

xoxo, mo

Whaddya Think!?

Okay, I want this to be the final edit... I don't wanna have to mess with it again lol. All I ask of you is to tell me if you like the dragon in the CENTER, or on the SIDE.

See? That's an easy opinion to give! So go ahead, leave a comment, and let me know if you think he should be on the right side or in the center. THEN I can go ahead and apply for some serious jobs *SQUEEE!!!*

Let me know!!

xoxo, mo

Back to work..

Yesterday was another day off for me, and should have been a work day, but instead was a clean the house day lol. It was totally necessary so I'm wicked happy about it. No more dog hair ANYWHERE, clean dishes, laundry, the whole nine yards! Then we tried to go fishing off of the pulaski bridge... all we caught were an insane amount of misquito bites :c

I have to be at work today at four, so that doesn't leave me much time to complete my resume. Wish me luck! It's high time I start applying for some jobs! Maybe it'll set Nick into motion (lol). He's been looking for work... he hasn't had as much catching up to do as I have. He's been working since day one in his field. Ugh I can't stop scratching!!

Ps, I hope y'all checked out that Mumford & Sons song.... if not, back up a few entries and click on the link. LOVE!

xoxo, mo

Friday, August 19, 2011


I was happy with this in the beginning, and now I'm frustrated. I liked the 'sponge' look to start off with, but in the end it became too organic. My work is flashy bright and nothing like what I've created, but I really like it. Boo, what now? Does anyone have any advice for me? Should I just keep it and create a character that fits in? Or do I start all over so I can include one of the two logos I just made? Sigh... I am officially in a crappy mood now.

And don't worry, I don't plan on using that font lol. I found it on Nick's computer.

xoxo, mo


I ADORE this song, wanted to share it.

Simply amazing.

xoxo, mo


So I'm already behind!!

I woke up about an hour ago. I was supposed to be up early working in the building, but I finally caught up on my sleep. So that's exciting, now I feel better. I don't sleep when Nick's out of town. I hate being alone in this house.

I'm off to Morris to finish my resume and portfolio page. Today is the last day, I am perfecting everything, making sure I have covered all my bases, and I'm finally going to start applying for jobs!! Very, very exciting.

I met a guy FROM Boston last night. He was the only person my friend Brendon and I were supposed to meet up with. How random, but how crazy! It felt kinda like fate. So we talked about the city, how he commutes in when he's at home. I just feel like it's meant to be. I will survive the cold winter and make it to spring and summer.

I'm really going to miss Megan though... not being so close to her will kill me. I know we hardly see each other now, but 1200 miles away?? That leaves very little room for visits. I will miss everyone else here too but she's my bestie :c

Alright, no more sad faces, I have to get out of this house and start working. Shit, I hope that building is open today lol.. I know it's Saturday so it might not be.... last time this happened I was locked inside. And they had to call someone to get me out. I don't need a repeat of that event. I guess it will just be some serious exercise if it's closed.. and I'll walk back home!

Wish me luck!

xoxo, mo

Thursday, August 18, 2011

cry face

.... i miss Nick ....


rainy day?

I wish it would rain.. why do I like rainy days?

Last night, I went downtown with Kevin and Dan for some drinks. We spent a lot of time discussing the move up North, dealing with the cold, going into the city. I cannot describe how excited I am to be there. People keep saying 'you know how cold it is, right?' Yeah, believe me, I KNOW lol. I may not be ready for it, but I NEED this change, this push. Otherwise I'll just stay here in Savannah, wake up every morning like it's groundhog day, and keep doing what I do, seeing the same people, go to the same job. I had someone a few nights ago ask me what I was still doing here if I'm not in school. And the sad thing is, they're right lol.

So, I work at four today. I am really going to miss some of those girls. Hopefully we can close early tonight!! We did last week, so here's hoping!

Riley and Penny play like little kids, it's the funniest thing. Abbey jumps in every now and again but I think she likes to be left to herself. Right now Penny is running circles around the house while Riley just watches from the bedroom. It's truly hysterical. Her little puppy nails are tick tick ticking across the wood floor so fast!! And Riley is getting so frustrated that she's ignoring him, he's making these weird growling sounds mixed with whining haahaha. She is getting much better about not peeing or pooping in the house YAY!

Okay, I'm off to watch much more Law & Order: SVU before work calls. Tomorrow is my day off, so tons of work will be coming!!

xoxo, mo

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


See, I love these guys because I can put whatever I like inside the bubble.. like 'thank you' or 'see me' or 'i'm freaking awesome.' It's up to me lol.

I would do the third, but I can't feel my wrist. So I'm calling it quits for the night. Sad, I know. Kevin will be coming over around 8:30 with some wine (mmm) so I'd better get home and clean up. Yay for two logo pieces completed today! :D

xoxo, mo

i hate you wrist

Shit does my wrist hurt... I wish I could crank out 6 hours of work without complaining about it. Oh the good old days..

Here is logo uno!

Now, if only I could get the transparent background working............ That would be rad.

xoxo, mo


These last few days have been CRAZY! Can I start off with, they turned our power off yesterday? Yeah, had to get that fixed. I was in the middle of a post too and it was POOF gone! Work drama isn't helping either. Blah..

So, here I am, back at good old Morris to do some work. I wish I was able to stay longer, but the pooks are at home all alone and I feel terrible. Nick is still out of town visiting with family, so I'm left here to take care of the house, bills and whatnot.

On the plus side, I called the OG down the road from the house we will be staying in and turns out they would LOVE to hire me! So, I officially have a second job. Now, to find the first one lol.

Today, I am working on some logo ideas I had back a few years ago, maybe two or three. I have asked a few friends to help me design a new logo, since I am having issues coming up with one myself. Let's hope I have something to show y'all soon! In the meantime, here's just one of the scans I'm working with today:

I always thought he was an adorable little dragon! If I had more time in the day I could crank out tons of fun stuff! I keep telling myself 'it's okay, Friday is coming!' (my next day off). Before then, I hope to sketch out an actual piece of work, not just an animal on a colored background lol. Something in action! I will try not to disappoint!

xoxo, mo

Oh, did I mention? The Inspector came by our house this morning to check things out with the new owners. Yes, that's right. I'm *pretty* sure they've sold our house.. which means we will have 60 or so days to MOVE OUT! Just the push we need.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Nick made dinner!

Well, for himself, not me. I bought these awesome pills called slimquick I think... take one with breakfast and one with dinner to help curve the cravings. I'm super stoked!

His appetizer was pita bread with spicy hummus, topped with grilled chicken and in the center was pasta sauce. I had one and it was amazing! I highly recommend it!

So I have fake nails on from the wedding and they have GOT to go.. I could have made this post in less than three minutes, instead, it's taken me almost ten. CRAZY!! I had them done up north and I kept telling her to cut them down more.. I wonder if that's just how they are in the north. They like their nails long? Geesh this sucks..

Ps, the portfolio page is doing GREAT!! Thanks for those who have shown their support by checking it out and liking some of the artwork you see. It truly means a lot to me. I hope it grows more and more!

Well, about to watch The Exorcist for the first time all the way through. Am I scared, you ask? The answer is yes. I freaking am.

xoxo, mo

Hot Hot Heat

LOVE this song. I was listening to it while working.

xoxo, mo

Eat your heart out Paige!

A few sketch ideas I had from earlier today.. I need to start putting my animals in situations.

Whaddya Think??

This is taking FOREVER!! Go check it out :D

xoxo, mo

Random works..

Today is my day off!!!!! Sqquueeee I am so happy to stay at home on Nick's computer and get as much work as I can completed. Abbey, Riley and Penny are THE BEST company. All they need is one of daddy's socks and all three are happy.

Here are some random works I found that I enjoy while I was editing my collection:

Crazy under-the-house cat update:
So I left some milk in a bowl for them yesterday, come back today and the milk is STILL there and no trace of cats. Of course by now the milk has gone bad EW so I had the opportunity to clean that up yay. At our Humane Society here in Savannah, right now cats are FREE. That's crazy... good thing I have stuff to do...... not saying I'd take one home but....

Yeah I probably would. Three dogs and a snake is enough lol. Two rather large dogs and one very small. How I adore them...

I was told yesterday I need to change up what I draw... one of the girls said I draw my dogs too much. I sure hope no one else feels that way.

xoxo, mo